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Why Advertise with RVing Women?

Because our members…

  • Look to us as a reliable source of information
  • Strongly support our advertisers
  • Typically have substantial investments in their RVs
  • Frequently travel full-time and work on the road
  • Are constantly on the lookout for the latest in safety equipment, preventive maintenance products, and conveniences

Every year more and more women join the ranks of RVers. To meet this growing interest, RVing Women was formed to provide information, networking, and support for women to successfully join the RVing community. The majority of our members are 50–70 and many are professionals with above average incomes. Nearly one third of our members are retired or semi-retired.

The most common type of RV owned by our members is the motor home, followed by vans, fifth wheels, travel trailers, tent trailers, and truck campers. Some of our members don’t own an RV yet, but are learning and planning for a future purchase. Many of our members plan to purchase a new or replacement RV soon. Our members live throughout the United States (even in Alaska and Hawaii), Canada, England and the Bahamas. Interest is growing in RVing Women and we continually add new members.

We hold rallies in many states throughout the year and always have an emphasis on educational seminars. Topics include personal safety, preventive maintenance, new products, and technical topics like tires, braking systems, and towing.

BONUS: You can now advertise on our web site, www.rvingwomen.org. Because of our presence on the Internet, we add new women to our membership every month. When people search for "women” and "RV” on the Internet, the RVing Women web site shows up at or near the top of the list of matches. We are accessible and visible to women RVers all over the country.

Your ad on our website will reach our RVing members and others considering an RV purchase. We now offer classified ads as well. Please click on our classified ad page for more information about rates and a bonus running time extension at fantastic rates.

A sample magazine is available by clicking the drop-down box above or call or write to receive a complimentary copy of our magazine and our current advertising rates:

RVW Advertising Sales Coordinator

