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Join RVW Now

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Welcome to the Online Membership Application!

The only requirement for joining is that you are a woman age 18 or over and that you are interested in RVing…you do not have to own an RV to join!

If you join our National Organization, you will get our bi-monthly magazine and have access to log-in to our website where you can stay informed on all of our activities.

Please fill out the form completely. Up to two household members can apply for membership at one time using this form. Additional members will need to return to complete the form on their own behalf.

Join a Chapter: We have 18 chapters to choose from located around the country. Please choose a chapter from the drop down menu OR select NO Chapter. A Chapter Leader will contact you to welcome you to their chapter. They will let you know of any additional information the chapter needs or about any additional nominal chapter dues you may need to pay to become a member of that chapter.*

Want to bring a guest to an activity? Guest Rider Passes are available once you become a member. For more information click here.

Individual Membership Dues

One Member / One Year: $62.00
One Member / Two Years: $122.00
One Member / Three Years: $180.00
New Members add $10 processing fee

Household Membership Dues

Two Members / One Year: $104.00
Two Members / Two Years: $204.00
Two Members / Three Years: $300.00
New Members add $10 processing fee per Household

Are You Ready To Join Us!

Want to experience a rally?

You can join any rally, in any of our chapters to experience the joy of rving with other women.

Print Registration Form for Mailing or Faxing


Please Note: If you join RVW after office hours, you will not be able to access the website until the next working day.



If you experience any problems with page not loading or not being taken to the next page in the process, you may have a privacy setting on your computer blocking the continuation. Please call the office and they can complete registration for you.

*Chapter Dues Note:  Once you join you will be contacted by that chapter, or you may contact them immediately to let them know you would like to join that chapter and pay their dues. You will not officially become a member of dues required chapters until the dues have been paid to that chapter. CHAPTER DUES ARE PAID DIRECTLY TO THE CHAPTER. Do not include chapter dues with your joining National RVW payment. Please contact the chapter you wish to join as well to let them know you would like to join.