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RVW Activities |
Activities RVW offers chapter rallies, seminars, national rallies, an annual convention, as well as tours and caravans. We have 17 chapters providing local activities throughout the year. (See our Chapter maps to locate contacts in your area).
Chapter Rallies As a member of RVW, you are welcome to participate in chapter rallies wherever you go. Chapter rallies are usually held on weekends and focus on fun, sightseeing, activities such as bike riding or kayaking, and building friendships.
Seminars and Classes
Fun and educational seminars and classes focusing on a variety of topics are offered several times each year in various locations. These programs are designed to meet the varied needs of our members. Topics include RV maintenance, new group games or crafts,
health concerns, personal safety, driving skills, financial planning, or other topics related to the RVing community. Presenters may be RVW members or experts on the selected topics from the community. These seminars and classes are offered at chapter
rallies, national rallies, and at the annual convention.
National Rallies Rallies may focus on visiting local attractions or participating in major events such as our RVW driving school, women’s sporting events, or the Albuquerque Balloon Fiesta. While all rallies include food, fun, and friendship, they may also have a specific focus which meets the needs of our members for networking, sharing knowledge and resources, and having fun. We are always looking for exciting locations and destinations for rallies that would interest our members. If you have a suggestion for a rally, please contact the RVW office at 480-671-6226 or email
Ready To Have Fun with Other Women?
Then apply for your RVing Women membership now—this is the support and social network for you!